February 08, 2019

It is you or me as well?

He is better than you but not as better as he thinks. If you do what he doesn’t want you to do, you will be mentally punished with the words of condemnation. He wants you to follow his dogma.

You might be right but the ego of his will never let him appreciate you. His mind is obsessed with it. You are never appreciated here, be sure.

He is able to find dirt in someone. He doesn’t let you speak but wants you to listen. The way he thinks isn't totally wrong but the way you speak matters a lot.

Ever noticed, people get obsessed, more often to those things which they want. There is a story in Ashtavakra Gita:

Once in Riskikesh there was a course for sadhus and mahatmas and a course for householders in the same place. Many of the sadhus would complain about some boy walking with some girl. It frustrated and irritated them. I (Sri Sri Ravi Shankar) asked why they were bothered if a boy was walking with a girl? It was not their business but they were spoiling their sadhanas? They were not the policeman there! They had begun doing a policeman’s job! Because they were so against it, their minds were again working in the same direction. It is interesting; this is what happens. All the priests, fathers and nuns, sadhus and mahatmas get caught up in this. They think they are running away from it, but they are caught up in it. 

January 22, 2019

Profound knowledge of American History X

This movie will teach you lessons about life within two hours of time. Have you ever wonder why there is hate in America among the different races. It is because of the native of America think that the people from out have snatched their right and jobs. The jobs which they deserve has been taken from them from a different source such as a quota system and through immigrants. And nobody wants to be dominated so they fight back which causes chaos.

There is a saying "America isn't made up of American". This is what Americans are tired of hearing. They want there right of freedom, they want the job which is being taken from them, they want to save their national economy by not investing in the different immigrant.

Now it is easy to manipulate people if you can show them so-called facts this is what done in the movie as wells as in our life. Powerful people will manipulate you to do wrong and get them rich and powerful. There is the best saying in this movie "Don't swallow everything he feeds you whole". Never let anyone manipulate you, you do what you think is good with lots of understanding.

Why do we hate each other? Why in the earth are we being stupid and acting like shit just by hating each other? We all are the same, we all live in the same house, we breathe the same oxygen, our daily activities are quite similar. If you hate someone today then someday this is going to hit you back, harder than you did.

Never ever get involved in awful activities because once you get involved in those activities even if you try to get out of it, you won't be able to. Your past will never let you free that easily you might have thought of. This is what exactly happens in addiction if you have been through it you might have known it.

Parenting should be better than schooling cause your children trust you more than any other out in this world. Don't be bias with your thought in front of your children just feed them with better and true knowledge. Nobody gives a fuck what you think. Just give them the true knowledge of life and let them figure it out by themselves. Remind them of the lessons of life through different practical ways, encourage them to do it better than before, help them figure out what is wrong or right without being bias. And be sure you aren't making life as a complicated system to work with while you are advising them. "Live it easy". I have written about this before in my blog Vendetta acts as a foe

I found this movie quite inspiring. You can watch it too for the betterment of your thoughts.

January 07, 2019

What urges me to smoke?

I ain't a chain-smoker but when if smoke I smoke for those sensations that makes me patience, observant and relaxed.

This topic might be titbit for some of my close one but who cares what others say when you know you are in control of our actions.

There are some psychological things that propel me to smoke.

When I first tried smoking I used to inhale the smoke and exhale through my nose. sounds creepy, isn't it? At that time I didn't feel any sort of so-called relaxation and I left it there.

But as I grow up I came to know about the ways of smoking and tried it again just to experience how it feels. this time I felt relaxed and calm for an instant. this is the first case why I smoke.

Next one is little relatable with everyone. after my work gets complete and what should I do? I don't have any sort of things that engage me and make my time useful so the easy and simple task is you just go and smoke with your friends and acquire that sort of relaxation again.

When I want to concentrate on my task or in my blog I smoke again because I can think without caring about others, also in the time of finding a topic for my blog I smoke again as I can observe nature without any delusion.

When I am waiting for someone ( while waiting we have limited free time) nothing is there to do. At this time I want to smoke again just to kill my time as we all know waiting for somebody is the most boring task to be done.

I only smoke when I want to smoke no because somebody provokes me to smoke.

November 13, 2018

Vendetta acts as a foe

Vendetta is surely going to be a foe for your family if you won’t stop it right there.

We all dispute in our daily life but that doesn’t mean we will stick with that every day but there is some dispute which will last long that is Blood feud.


Here is the answer the blood feud lasts long because in our daily routine at least for once we have contact with the family members of ones we have conflict with (particularly the one whom you raged at) as you might be working together or living together and may have blood relation that will not allow your temper to calm down.

Now coming to the main topic

Why does this act as a foe to your child?

The family is the first home to every child. They learn from you and the environment they are living in. If you show your anger in front of them every now and then towards the one whom you hate the most. They will imitate your behavior. And they will start hating the one whom you hate, this will act as an instinct. As well as this will be your family trait of hating them.

Never involve your child if you want my advice then I say never involve anyone in your personal dispute, let it be your own.

November 05, 2018

Serene little hen

I met a hen left serene in consequence of its failure to escape. I cannot even see the pain in his eyes of being trap and the desire to be free. With my every single forward step it would step backward.

You may think why is this happening to his hen?

Let me give you a quick example what happens in the context of an animal:

There was a donkey which was always tied in a pole with a rope. At first, he tried to run away even he tried to weaken the rope by chewing it but failed in his all attempt. It's not that he didn’t give his 100 percent but as the time passed even when he was untied with a pole he didn’t run away this is due to the delusion of being tied.

This is what actually happening to this hen. Usually, I never believe in the things which are been told by others like the story above. But today I observe this situation closely and bingo they were right.

What I learned today is even though you failed for 1000 times never lose hope because in every attempt you are weakening your problem. Who knows in your 1001 attempt you might get succeed.

You can even take a real life example of Edison. He failed a hundred times but succeed at last by learning with his mistake. Learn from your mistake but never lose hope.

August 09, 2018

Fear but no Fear:1 (Based on true story)

After my secondary school days, I was living a cool and happy life. 

Everything was going well since then.
Suddenly I faced a problem which wasn't actually a serious problem.

My college in charge told me to bring my parent to school for such a foolish mistake i.e. I got caught while gossiping with my benchmate in the classroom while the teacher was teaching.

Actually, I never gave my attention in Nepali class because the class wasn't interactive. Everyone falls asleep while the teacher is teaching.

The teacher told me and my friend to get out of his class while there were only ten minutes remaining in his period. While he was leaving the class he told us to meet the incharge in the break.

We went to the incharge during our break.

Surprisingly there was no incharge in his room.

We return to our class with great relief and happiness.

Thinking: now we are safe

But in the long break, the teacher caught us in the stairs and asked, "Did you go to the incharge?"

The answer was NO.

He went mad after hearing the word NO.

Why won't he because not obeying his order made him feel humiliating.

As we all know superior will feel humiliating if inferior ones don't obey their orders.

He wrote our name and told us to leave.
While working in the laboratory, the incharge came and told me and my friend to meet him after the completion of the laboratory work.

After the laboratory work was completed we went to the incharge and he asked us, what was the problem with the teacher. We told nothing and tried to act as innocent.

The incharge was playing with his pen and was thinking about what should be done with us.

The sentence which we didn't want to hear outburst from his mouth.

Bring your parents tomorrow at 10:30 am. If you won't be able to bring or try to remain absent tomorrow then you will be suspended for five days.

Just by saying that moat hatred sentence in student life. He told us to leave.

I was like seriously just for talking in class should I bring my parents.

Bring my parent was a big deal for me as I was badass in front of my secondary school teacher due to which my parents should come to school every now and then.

And now again the scenario was repeating.

This is why I feared.

But the good thing for me was that I have got a brother who is in last semester of his Bachelor.

I can bring him instead of my parents. Cheers!!

This is why I didn't fear.

Lastly, the only fear was will he be free to attend my appointment with my incharge and the teacher.

Live my life with a scenario in Fear but no fear: 2

To be continued....

Have you been through such situations?

August 08, 2018

Review on Zig Zigler's SEE YOU AT THE TOP

One of the best books and the old recommendations for personal improvement is SEE YOU AT THE TOP BY ZIG ZIGLER.

Originally published in 1975. This book is for those who have been missing much of the good life. In order to help you with your life, this book was written by Zig.

In this books, ZIG had found six steps that guide success as a stair. when we want to be successful, there are no shortcuts in your life.

You have to take the stairs which is always hard but trust me, it will be very helpful for you in future. 

One learns by doing mistakes so, never hesitate to try something new in cases or no matter what so ever the situation was or will be, have the courage to follow your heart and believe in yourself.

It might be hard at the first attempt but it will surely be easy for the second. 

The steps according to ZIG are self-image, your relationship with others, goals, attitude, work, desire.

Zig tries to explain about the first three for about 70% in the book because he believes that you should change yourself and should be able to see yourself as a winner at first which requires believing in yourself.

When the desire is a burning one, nature is going to help you get it.

Life can be really amazing after you follow these steps, which will help you grow every second, every minute and every time of your life when you understand this.

Success requires faith and faith requires believing in yourself rather than others.

One should be happy to see others being successful, but that should not keep you away from your goals.

Goals are really important. set goals, set bars, but one thing that everybody should understand is that when you put all your effort and believe in yourself before doing that stuff, you will eventually succeed.

This might take some time, but trust me, it is worth it.
Life is amazing, embrace every second of your life.

Do not waste it, work hard today, so that you will become great tomorrow. 

Attitude also happens to be one of the important topics.
All that matters is your attitude towards other. If you give respect, you take respect.

Respect is not bought, it is earned which is a hard process which requires a good attitude.

The way you talk, speak, walk is the main things that trigger people mind whether to work with you in the future or not.

Desire is all that matters. 

When you desire something, you imagine of having it, which means you are believing yourself.
Desire is not always going to play its part, it is you at the end who is responsible for all the good as well as the bad results. 

Life is a lesson and you will learn it every day. Just set goals, believe it, on it and crush it.

Crush everything you do, does not matter whether it has a least or a tremendous impact, you just do it.

Solve your problems, work on it. Think before doing anything.
Be the hardest worker in the room. That is all it takes it to get there, I think for that, this book is essential.


You go in, take the initiative, get stuff done and make it all happen.

People are going to say or criticize it, but do not listen to them, because you are the one who is living your life, not them.

They are going to say everything to you, but just focus and focus and focus.

Work hard, and prove them wrong, and that is when they are going to respect you.

Leave a legacy before you leave.

Reading this book was one of my best decisions so far. 
I happen to learn a lot about life, and I think I did change after I read this.

All thanks to my friend Monsoon Bikram Thapa for this masterpiece review.
Meet him at monsoonthapa8989@gmail.com