November 05, 2018

Serene little hen

I met a hen left serene in consequence of its failure to escape. I cannot even see the pain in his eyes of being trap and the desire to be free. With my every single forward step it would step backward.

You may think why is this happening to his hen?

Let me give you a quick example what happens in the context of an animal:

There was a donkey which was always tied in a pole with a rope. At first, he tried to run away even he tried to weaken the rope by chewing it but failed in his all attempt. It's not that he didn’t give his 100 percent but as the time passed even when he was untied with a pole he didn’t run away this is due to the delusion of being tied.

This is what actually happening to this hen. Usually, I never believe in the things which are been told by others like the story above. But today I observe this situation closely and bingo they were right.

What I learned today is even though you failed for 1000 times never lose hope because in every attempt you are weakening your problem. Who knows in your 1001 attempt you might get succeed.

You can even take a real life example of Edison. He failed a hundred times but succeed at last by learning with his mistake. Learn from your mistake but never lose hope.

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